RAD 140 causes CANCER?

TL;DR; No RAD140 doesn’t cause cancer

There is a lot of speculation about SARMs, some people will say they are harmless while others will scream that it will give you pancreatic cancer and that it’s a bastard cholesterol version of testosterone.

Today, I will focus on RAD140 and the research that has been conducted on the SARM especially on its cancer fighting properties (sources included at the bottom). First, let’s concentrate on the naysayers. Moreover, I hear these naysayers talk about how RAD140 causes pancreatic cancer. This is simply not true, there are no scholarly articles showing this and I can’t even fathom where this information comes from. I dug deep into Google research and I read quite a few scientific articles and not once do scholars mention pancreatic cancer. There is no factual proof of this except bro science, and indeed, these people tend to be proponents of steroid use only.

“(RAD140) may inhibit both the growth of the prostate in males and AR-dependent breast cancer cell proliferation. Compared to anabolic agents, SARMs have reduced androgenic properties.”

Second let’s get to the point and what RAD140 does to benefit your health. According to CANCER.GOV research, this is what they have to say about RAD140 and its impact on human health; “Upon oral administration, SARM RAD140 acts as an agonist in select tissues, such as skeletal muscle and bone, where it binds to and activates androgen receptors (ARs). In the prostate and breasts, RAD140 acts as an antagonist and blocks AR activation and AR-mediated cellular proliferation. Therefore, this agent may improve bone formation and muscle mass and strength, and may inhibit both the growth of the prostate in males and AR-dependent breast cancer cell proliferation. Compared to anabolic agents, SARMs have reduced androgenic properties.” (1)

In layman terms, “this means that RAD140 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that exhibits very potent anti-tumor activity in prostate and breast cancer models.” (2) However, it does not only protect you from cancer but it also increases bone formation, muscle mass and strength, this being a very potent weapon in the battle against the epidemic of an out of shape country.

“RAD140 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that exhibits very potent anti-tumor activity in prostate and breast cancer models.”

In conclusion, RAD140 does not cause any kind of cancer in fact, in the future it will be a truly benefical drug that will probably help us fight prostate and breast cancer.


(1) https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-drug/def/selective-androgen-receptor-modulator-rad140
(2) https://www.ejcancer.com/article/S0959-8049(16)33042-8/abstract